Employment Opportunities

Job creation is a fundamental approach to poverty alleviation, particularly in Sierra Leone where economic disenfranchisement leaves vulnerable populations at risk of exploitation and trafficking. At True Hope Foundation we believe that creating sustainable employment opportunities not only lifts individuals and communities out of poverty but also reduces their dependency on external aid and minimizes the risk factors associated with trafficking.  True Hope Foundation is finding jobs  for survivors and other beneficiaries to boost their morals in becoming an income earner as there is dignity in labor.

For survivors of human trafficking, moving from a state of dependency to empowerment through employment is crucial for their reintegration into society and long-term recovery. Providing jobs to trafficking survivors involves targeted interventions such as skills training, entrepreneurship support, access to microfinance, and tailored employment opportunities. These initiatives enable survivors to rebuild their lives, gain economic independence, and contribute meaningfully to their communities. Effective programs for job creation for trafficking survivors must consider the unique psychological, social, and economic needs of these individuals, ensuring a supportive environment that fosters resilience, self-reliance, and dignity.

US Office



108 Wilmington Avenue, Apt 1 Dorchester, MA 02124

Sierra Leone Office

+232 79 464631

35 Mends Street, Western Area Freetown, Sierra Leone