
Education, generally, is a fundamental human right that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. It provides the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to navigate life’s challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to society. Education fosters personal growth, builds confidence, and opens doors to opportunities.

In that light, knowing fully well that Survivors of human trafficking often face significant challenges in rebuilding their lives, True Hope Foundation saw Education as a very important aspect in their recovery and reintegration. Hence It offers a path to independence, self-sufficiency, and a brighter future.

This hand of True Hope Foundation is committed to empowering survivors of human trafficking and providing them with the tools they need to be educated.

True Hope Foundation offer educational programs specifically designed to meet the unique needs of survivors of human trafficking. These programs address academic gaps, provide vocational training, and develop life skills.

This comes in the form of financial aid to help survivors cover the costs of education, including tuition, books, uniforms, other school items and transportation.

True Hope Foundation also collaborates with local schools, colleges, and universities to ensure that survivors have access to quality education and opportunities for advancement.

US Office


108 Wilmington Avenue, Apt 1 Dorchester, MA 02124

Sierra Leone Office

+232 79 464631

35 Mends Street, Western Area Freetown, Sierra Leone